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Satay loose lettuce dumpling - 醬肉鬆生菜包

Most flavoured lettuce dumpling! 一吃難忘的生菜包! Ingredients (serves 5) Minced pork 200g, Fresh Mushrooms 80g, Water Chestnut 70g, Carrot 70g, Minced Garlic 1 tbsp, Lettuce 10 slices, Soy Sauce 1 tsp, Cornstarch 1 1/2 tsp, Water 2 tbsp, Oil 1 tsp, #myjimmysate 2 tsp

Method: 1. Rinse lettuce, drain the water and set aside. 2. Marinate minced pork with soy sauce, cornstarch, water and oil. Rinse mushrooms, drain the water and chop into dices. Cut water chestnut and carrot into dices. 3. Heat 2 tbsp of oil, saute garlic and pork then add carrot and mushroom and stir well. Cook for 2 minutes, add #myjimmysate and water chestnut and cook for a while. 4. Finally wrap the pork and assorted vegetables with lettuce and serve. Tips: For better taste, saute pine nuts could be added on top of pork and assorted vegetables. 半肥瘦免治豬肉 200克、新鮮冬菇 80克、馬蹄肉 70克、甘筍 70克、蒜蓉 1湯匙、西生菜 10片,生抽 1茶匙、粟粉 1 1/2茶匙、水 2湯匙、油 1茶匙、#正味沙爹醬

做法 (5人份量): 1. 西生菜洗淨,隔乾水分備用。 2. 免治豬肉加醃料(粟粉,水,油,生抽)撈勻。冬菇洗淨,搾乾水分,切粒。馬蹄及甘筍各切粒。 3. 燒熱2湯匙油,爆香蒜蓉及豬肉,加甘筍及冬菇炒勻,煮約2分鐘,再加馬蹄及#正味沙爹醬 炒勻,即可上碟,以生菜包肉鬆食用。 要點:可加炒香松子仁於肉鬆面伴食,味道更佳。


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