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Peanut Satay and Bacon Jam 花生煙肉果醬

Peanut Satay and Bacon Jam 花生煙肉果醬
Peanut Satay and Bacon Jam 花生煙肉果醬

The only condiment you will need! Perfect on our cheese scones or on your bacon sarnies. Best make a big batch and bottle it for friends. They will love you forever. 


300g streaky bacon, diced finely

100g Jimmy’s Sate

1 tsp vegetable oil (20g)

2 garlic cloves (16g)

1 small onion (120g)

160g brown sugar

80g red wine vinegar

60g golden syrup

40g smooth peanut butter

1 tsp smoked paprika


  1. Heat oil in a frying pan and add the bacon. Fry gently till the bacon is browned and remove from the pan.

2. Add finely diced onions and garlic into the pan and sauteed on low heat for 10 minutes till softened

3. Add in the bacon, brown sugar, red wine vinegar, golden syrup, Jimmy’s Sate, peanut butter, smoked paprika and stir to combine

4. Cook on low heat for 20 minutes till thickened and syrupy. 

5. Pour into a sterilised glass jar with an airtight lid. Leave to cool in room temperature and transfer to the fridge.


非常適合塗抹在芝士司康或培根三明治上。最好做一大批並裝瓶送給朋友們,他們一定會永遠愛你。 成分:

300公克煙肉 100公克 Jimmy's Sate 1 茶匙 植物油 (20公克) 2 顆 蒜瓣 (16公克) 1 個 小洋蔥 (120公克) 160公克 紅糖 80公克 紅酒醋 60公克 金色糖漿 40公克 柔滑花生醬 1 茶匙 煙燻paprika


  1. 在煎鍋中加熱植物油,加入煙肉塊塊。小火煎至培根變棕色後,取出備用。

  2. 將切碎的洋蔥和蒜瓣放入鍋中,小火炒10分鐘直到軟化。

  3. 加入煎好的培根、brown sugar、紅酒醋、金色糖漿、Jimmy's Sate醬、花生醬和煙燻paprika,攪拌均勻。

  4. 小火煮20分鐘直到醬汁變稠。

  5. 將醬汁倒入已消毒的密封玻璃罐中,放在室溫下冷卻後,再移到冰箱保存。


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