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Satay Beef Macaroni in Hong Kong Style 港式沙爹牛肉通粉

Satay Beef Macaroni in Hong Kong Style 港式沙爹牛肉通粉
Satay Beef Macaroni in Hong Kong Style 港式沙爹牛肉通粉

Try this recipe out to cook the Hong Kong cha chaan teng style satay beef macaroni! Follow the steps to marinate the beef in the recipe. You will have tender and tempting beef without adding and baking soda. 跟著這個食譜就能煮出茶餐廳風味的沙嗲牛肉通粉,無須加梳打粉,就能煮到惹味又肉嫩的牛肉,配上忌廉雞湯湯底,十分滿足。

Ingredients Cream of chicken 300 g Macaroni 150 g Sliced beef 200 g Onion 1/4 Shallots 2 Garlic 3 clove Sauce Ingredients Satay sauce (#myjimmysate)3 tbsp Light soy sauce 1 tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Sesame oil 1/4 tsp Water 120 mL Beef Marinade Light soy sauce 1.5 tbsp Corn starch 1 tbsp Sugar 1 tsp Oil 1 tbsp Water 60 mL Method: 1. Slice the onion, chop the shallots and garlic. 2. Marinate the beef with light soy sauce and sugar for 15 minutes. Add water bit by bit and mix well. Add corn starch and mix well. Add oil and mix well. 3. Bring a pot of water to boil and add some salt. Add macaroni and cook until al dente. Drain and set aside. 4. Bring the cream and chicken soup and 1000mL water to boil. Reduce to medium low heat to keep warm. 5. In a pan, add some oil on medium heat. Add beef and stir-fry on medium high heat until 80% cooked. 6. In another pan, add some oil on medium heat. Add garlic, shallots, onion and sauté until fragrant. 7. Add peanut and satay sauce and sauté until fragrant. Add light soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil and water. Bring to boil. 8. Add beef and mix well. Cook until thickened. Remove from heat. 9. Add macaroni into the soup and bring to boil. Transfer to a bowl. 10. Layer beef on top and ready to serve. #Satay #myjimmysate #recipes #recipeoftheday#foodstagram #yesyumr #foodblogger #食譜#icancook #沙爹 #家庭小菜 #正味沙爹醬 #yummy#asianfood #SimpleRecipes #AsianRecipes#instagood #chinesefood #instafood #foodporn#hkfood #foodie #singaporefood #rice #lovefood#daydaycook 材料 忌廉雞湯 300 克 通粉 150 克 牛肉片 200 克 洋蔥 1/4 個 乾蔥 2 個 蒜頭 3 瓣 醬汁材料 #正味沙嗲醬 3 湯匙 生抽 1 湯匙 砂糖 1 茶匙 麻油 1/4 茶匙 水 120 毫升 牛肉醃料: 生抽 1.5 湯匙 生粉 1 湯匙 砂糖 1 茶匙 油 1 湯匙 水 60 毫升 做法: 1. 將洋蔥切片;乾蔥及蒜頭切碎。 2. 牛肉加入生抽及砂糖醃15分鐘,逐少加入水拌勻,加入生粉拌勻,加入油拌勻。 3. 煮滾一鍋水,加少許鹽,加入通粉煮至軟硬適中,瀝乾備用。 4. 將忌廉雞湯及1000毫升水煮滾,轉中小火保溫。 5. 用中火燒熱鍋,加少許油,加入牛肉,用中高火炒至8成熟備用。 6. 用中火燒熱另一個鍋,加少許油,加入蒜蓉、乾蔥及洋蔥炒香。 7. 加入#正味沙嗲醬炒香,加入生抽、砂糖、麻油及水煮滾。 8. 加入牛肉拌勻,煮至醬汁濃稠,熄火。 9. 將通粉加入雞湯煮滾,上碟。 10. 放上牛肉,即成。

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