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Satay Daikon and Beef Tripe - 沙嗲白蘿蔔牛柏葉

Blanch the beef tripe, rinse it with cold water and strain it, then add daikon and mix well it well. By doing this we can maintain the refreshing taste of beef tripe and it definitely tastes better than you think. 先將牛柏葉汆水再過冷河,最後才加入白蘿蔔拌勻,既能保持牛柏葉爽口,又能吸盡沙嗲汁和白蘿蔔的香味,十分惹味又好下飯。 Ingredients: Jimmy’s sate sauce 3tbsp, Salt, Garlic (minced)1tbsp, Ginger 2slices, Dark soy sauce 1/2 tbsp, Oyster sauce 1tbsp, Rock sugar 1/2tbsp, Corn starch (dissolved in 20mL water) 1tbsp, Shallot (chopped) 2, Daikon (cut into pieces) 500g, Beef tripe (cut into pieces) 200g, Sweet soy bean sauce 1tbsp Method (20 mins) 1. In a pot, bring water to boil and add ginger. Blanch the beef tripe for 20 seconds. Let cool in cold water, drain and set aside. 2. In a pan, add some oil on medium heat. Add shallots, garlic and sauté until fragrant. 3. Add daikon and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Add satay sauce, sweet soy bean paste, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce and mix well. 4. Add rock sugar and some water. Bring to simmer and cover the lid. Cook for 15 minutes or until daikon is soft. 5. Open the lid and add beef tripe. Add corn starch water, stir well and ready to serve. 材料: 正味沙嗲醬 3湯匙, 鹽 適量 蒜蓉 1湯匙 薑 2片 老抽 1/2湯匙 蠔油 1湯匙 冰糖 1/2湯匙 生粉(溶於20毫升水) 1湯匙 乾蔥(切碎) 2個 白蘿蔔(切件) 500克 牛柏葉(切件) 200克 甜麵豉醬 1湯匙 做法: 1. 煮滾一鍋水,加入薑片,加入牛柏葉汆水20秒,放入凍水中降溫,瀝乾備用。 2. 用中火燒熱鍋,加少許油,加入乾蔥及蒜蓉炒香。 3. 加入白蘿蔔炒2分鐘,加入#正味沙嗲醬、甜麵豉醬、蠔油及老抽炒勻。 4. 加入冰糖及適量水煮至微滾,蓋上鍋蓋煮15分鐘或至白蘿蔔軟腍。 5. 打開鍋蓋,加入牛柏葉拌勻,加入生粉水起茨,即成。 #Satay #myjimmysate #recipes #recipeoftheday#foodstagram #yesyumr #foodblogger #食譜#icancook #沙爹 #家庭小菜 #正味沙爹醬 #yummy#asianfood #SimpleRecipes #AsianRecipes#instagood #chinesefood #instafood #foodporn#hkfood #foodie #singaporefood #rice #lovefood#recipeineats #daydaycook

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