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Satay Beef Noodle Burger - 沙嗲牛肉麵漢堡

Satay Beef Noodle Burger - 沙嗲牛肉麵漢堡
Satay Beef Noodle Burger - 沙嗲牛肉麵漢堡

Ingredients 1 Burger bun, 1 Egg, 1 Instant noodle, 100g Rump beef, sliced, 2 tbs Minced garlic 1 tbs Chinese cooking wine, 1 tbs #myjimmysate Beef Marinade: 2 tbs Corn starch, 1/2 tbs Light soy sauce, 1 tsp Sugar, 50mL Water Method: 1. Marinate the beef with light soy sauce, sugar, corn starch and water for 30 minutes. 2. In a pot, bring the water to boil and cook the noodle until soft. Drain and set aside. 3. In a pan, add some oil on a medium high heat. Sauté the garlic until fragrant, add the beef and cook for 2-3 minutes. 4. Add the Chinese cooking wine, #myjimmysate and stir well. 5. Add the noodle, stir well and set aside. 6. In a pan, slightly toast the burger bun until golden brown. 7. In the same pan, add some oil and cook the egg sunny side up. 8. Place the noodle over the bun and top with beef. 9. Place the egg over the beef and ready to serve. 材料: 漢堡包 1個,雞蛋 1隻,即食麵 1個,牛冧肉 100克, 切片,蒜蓉 2湯匙,紹興酒 1湯匙 #正味沙嗲醬 1湯匙 牛肉醃料: 生粉 2湯匙,生抽 ½湯匙,砂糖 1茶匙,水 50毫升 做法 1. 牛肉加入生抽、砂糖、生粉及水醃30分鐘。 2. 煮滾一鍋水,加入即食麵煮至軟腍,撈起瀝乾。 3. 用中高火燒熱鍋,加少許油,炒香蒜蓉,加入牛肉煮2-3分鐘。 4. 加入紹興酒、#正味沙嗲醬 拌勻。 5. 加入即食麵拌勻,盛起。 6. 燒熱鍋,將漢堡包稍微烘至脆身。 7. 用同一個鍋,加少許油,加入雞蛋煎成太陽蛋。 8. 將即食麵放在漢堡包上,再放上牛肉。 9. 放上太陽蛋即成。

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