Sate Steam Fish - 沙爹蒸魚

Ingredients Fresh Fish 400 g, green onions 10g , ginger 1 slice, red chilli 1/2 [shredded], coriander [decorative]
Seasoning #myjimmysate 1 tbs, soy sauce 1 tbs, black pepper sauce 1 tsp, sesame oil 1 tsp, minced garlic 1 tsp, sugar 1 tsp
Method Seasoning with ginger, onion and red chilli mix, onto the fish surface. Steam the fish for about 10 minutes and decorate with coriander before serve.
材料 鮮魚 400 克 [1 條], 蔥 2 棵 [切絲], 生薑 1 片 [切絲], 辣椒 1/2 隻 [紅色, 切絲], 芫荽 [裝飾用]
調味料 #正味沙爹醬 1 湯匙, 生抽 1 湯匙, 黑椒汁 1 茶匙, 芝麻油 1 茶匙, 蒜蓉 1 茶匙, 糖 1 茶匙
#做法 1 調味料與薑絲、蔥絲及紅椒絲拌勻,放上鮮魚面。 2 用大火將鮮魚蒸至熱,約10分鐘,飾以芫荽。
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